
If you run an ecommerce business, Facebook Ads is one of the most popular ways to drive conversions to your store. With over 2 billion daily active users, understanding how to use Facebook Ads is essential for any serious marketer.

Do Facebook Ads Still Work for Ecommerce in 2024?

After analyzing over 2700 ecommerce ad campaigns, we found that Facebook Ads remain highly profitable, but now rely more on high-converting creative and copy. Ads that rely solely on targeting are not as effective as they used to be. Today, content is king. If you want to succeed with Facebook Ads for your ecommerce store, here’s what you need to do:

How to Run Facebook Ads for Ecommerce Websites

First, I’ll share six steps to get started with Facebook Ads, then I’ll provide some tips on how you can optimize your ad performance later.

Step One: Study Other Ecommerce Competitors

The first step is to analyze your competitor’s ads to understand the type of content that is performing well. Find other ecommerce sites running Facebook Ads and examine their strategies. Pay attention to their copy and creative:

  • What format do they use?
  • What colors are they using?
  • What are the common themes across their designs?
  • What is the length of their copy?

How to Find Competitor Ads:

  1. Go to Facebook.com and search for pages in a similar niche. Ideally, they are ecommerce stores, but look at different niches to get a variety.
  2. Head to the Meta Ads library and input the pages you listed. You’ll be able to see all the ad campaigns they run.
  3. Note down the URLs of ads that catch your attention for future reference. If a campaign has been running for a long time, it’s likely successful.
  4. Take inspiration from these ads to develop ideas for your own ads.

Step Two: Set Up Meta Pixel

Meta Pixel (formerly Facebook Pixel) is a snippet of HTML code you copy and paste into your website. It tracks your visitors and their activities, which is crucial for retargeting.

How to Install Facebook Pixel:

  1. Go to Facebook Ads Manager and create a Pixel.
  2. Copy the Pixel code.
  3. Paste the code into the header of your website.

Meta Pixel helps you track data through the user’s browser, providing essential insights for your campaigns.

Step Three: Set Up Conversions API

Conversions API allows Facebook to get data directly from your Shopify/Woocommerce store, tracking visitors through your website’s servers. This method is more reliable than relying solely on browser cookies.

How to Set Up Conversions API:

  1. Go to Facebook Business Manager and navigate to Events Manager.
  2. Follow the instructions to set up Conversions API.

Using both Meta Pixel and Conversions API provides the most accurate data for your campaigns.

Step Four: Design Your Ad Creative

People spend an average of 2.5 seconds browsing each Facebook post on desktop and only 1.7 seconds on mobile. Your ad needs to grab their attention quickly without appearing overly promotional.

Tips for Designing Ad Creatives:

  1. Analyze your competitor’s ads to see what’s working.
  2. Identify your audience (warm vs. cold).
  3. Choose the type of ad creative to use.
  4. Ensure your images/videos are correctly sized.
  5. Use tools like Canva for quick, professional designs.
  6. Apply basic color theory.
  7. A/B test different creatives.
  8. Test consistently, aiming for 20-40 variations per month.

Step Five: Launch the Campaign

Once your creative is ready, it’s time to launch your campaign.

Steps to Launch Your Campaign:

  1. Name your ad sets.
  2. Choose an audience for targeting.
  3. Set up A/B testing.
  4. Follow proper naming conventions for easier data analysis.

Step Six: Analyze the Data

Analyzing data is crucial for understanding the performance of your ads. Choose a data analysis tool you’re comfortable with, such as Excel, Google Sheets, or specialized tools like Polymer Search. These tools help make the data interactive and easy to understand, allowing you to extract insights to run successful campaigns.

15 Tips for Improving Your Ecommerce Store Conversions

Now that you know how to get a campaign up and running, here are some tips to improve your profits based on our analysis of over 2700 ad campaigns:

  1. Build High-Converting Landing Pages: Ensure your landing page has a clear unique selling point, includes real user testimonials, warms up the audience, and has a clean, simple design.
  2. Use Faces on Images/Videos: Faces attract more engagement and click-throughs. Use reaction faces in your ad creatives.
  3. Write Killer Copy: Start with a short, punchy one-liner as your hook. Ensure the first line grabs attention, and use cliffhangers to entice clicks.
  4. Use Broad Targeting: Broad targeting is becoming increasingly important. Test broad targeting to see if it reduces customer acquisition costs.
  5. Embed a CTA Button: Use conversion-focused CTA buttons like "Shop Now." A/B test with different buttons to find what works best.
  6. Run Retargeting Campaigns: Show ads to people who’ve visited your website. Tailor the copy for warmer audiences and use limited-time promotions.
  7. Run Ads at Optimal Times: Test different times and days to find when your audience is most engaged. Use tools like Polymer Search for insights.
  8. Budget Correctly: Ensure you have a healthy budget for valid A/B test results. For low-budget campaigns, focus on broader tests.
  9. A/B Test Frequently: For large campaigns, test everything—copy, creative, audiences, placements, and CTA buttons. Aim for 20+ variations per month.
  10. Use Emojis: Emojis can increase engagement and click-through rates. Use them to highlight parts of your text and convey emotions.
  11. Use Carousel Ads: Carousel ads allow you to show multiple products or aspects of your brand. They often result in higher returns on ad spend.
  12. Avoid Trigger Words: Avoid overtly promotional words in ads targeting cold audiences. Use a softer approach for these ads.
  13. Host a Contest: Contests and giveaways generate user-generated content and brand awareness. Ensure you follow Facebook’s rules for contests.
  14. Exclude Existing Customers: Use the audience exclusion feature to avoid showing ads to existing customers, reducing ad spend.
  15. Get External Reviews: Encourage reviews from publications and on platforms like Reddit. External reviews can influence purchasing decisions.

5 Examples of High Converting Ecommerce Facebook Ads

Here are some examples of successful ecommerce Facebook Ads for inspiration:

  1. Solo Stove: Their ad features a simple anecdote about their product, making it feel like a post from a friend rather than an ad.
  2. LARQ: They use carousel ads with a clear value proposition, catchy hooks, and emojis.
  3. Skullcandy: Their ad starts with a strong hook and uses emojis and the "Shop Now" button to drive engagement.
  4. Natori: This apparel brand uses elegant images with no body text, relying on the visuals to convey their message.
  5. Ruggable: Their ads address customer pain points with machine-washable rugs, using unboxing videos and positive music.

Ecommerce Facebook Ads Campaign Structure

When structuring your campaigns, start with 10 ad sets. Use automatic placements and keep everything consistent except for audience targeting. Test different interests and allocate $20-40 for each ad set. Follow proper naming conventions for easier data analysis. Once you identify profitable ad sets, start scaling them and A/B testing the copy and creative.

Which Facebook Ads are Best for Ecommerce?

Facebook offers various ad formats. Carousel ads are generally the best, but different formats work for different audiences and stages of the funnel. Use a combination of Dynamic Product Ads (DPA), carousel ads, video ads, and images to avoid ad fatigue and achieve the best results.

Understanding Facebook Pixel for Ecommerce

Facebook Pixel is crucial for tracking conversions, retargeting, generating Lookalike Audiences, and optimizing ad spend. Install it by creating a Pixel in Facebook Ads Manager, adding the code to your website, and setting up specific events to track.

Leveraging Dynamic Ads for Your Ecommerce Store

Dynamic Ads personalize content at scale, reduce cart abandonment rates, allow up-selling and cross-selling, and update in real-time based on your product catalog. Set up Dynamic Ads by uploading your product catalog, installing Facebook Pixel, creating a dynamic ad campaign, defining your audience, designing your ad template, and monitoring performance.


Hiring an ecommerce agency can be a game-changer for your business. It allows you to leverage specialized expertise, gain an outside perspective, and achieve faster results while saving costs. By following a structured approach to selecting and hiring the right agency, you can ensure a successful partnership that drives growth and enhances your ecommerce operations.

Explore our services if you need a reliable and experienced ecommerce partner. With a proven history of helping businesses achieve their goals, we offer a wide range of services customized to meet your unique needs. Whether you want to enhance your website, launch a new product, or boost your online presence, Edeska’s team of experts is here to help you succeed.

Remember, the key to a successful partnership is clear communication, setting realistic expectations, and choosing an agency that aligns with your business goals and values. Take your time to make an informed decision, and you’ll find that the right ecommerce agency, like Edeska, can significantly boost your business’s success.